Prototype Wiki
Things to Come
Mercer Disguise Bloodtox
Disguised Mercer activating the Bloodtox pumper.
Mission Stats
Game Prototype
Episode 8.01
Additional Info
Opposition Infected Citizen
Leader Hunter
Super Soldier
Previous The World Set Free
Next On Instinct

Things to Come is a mission in Prototype.

Out in the Open[]

With the Bloodtox pumper in position and the Military along with Blackwatch guarding it, Alex Mercer activates the machine. As Bloodtox is pumped under the city, Infected, Hunters and Leader Hunters emerge to disrupt the deployment. Alex continues to protect the pumper even in Blackwatch's presence.

With the increase of the infected, Blackwatch sends in more reinforcements along with D-Code soldiers. Although the D-codes detect Mercer's presence, their main priority is Bloodtox deployment. To make matters worse, Hydras have now surfaced to harass the military forces. However, Blackwatch (along with Mercer) manage to take them out, ensuring successful deployment of Bloodtox.

With the last of Greene's infected forces killed, Elizabeth Greene emerges to the surface in a behemoth form.


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