Prototype Wiki

Hunters are hard to kill in war events that involve using a disguise,the weapons best used are grenade launchers and assault rifle

--Ryan Pierce 09:12, 27 June 2009 (UTC)Bioshock54

Rocket launchers work better than either of those, as does the hammerfist. But, in your first encounter with them in the past, you wouldn't have the hammerfist, but you would have access to the launchers. Plus, i don't think there is a part of the story where you would have a use for a disguise during a hunter attack. they can see you in a crowd, no matter what disguise you use. For that matter, being stealthy during an attack is utterly useless.--Supermutantslayer450 02:02, 25 August 2009 (UTC)

I believe Ryan was talking about about war events Grasscid 02:57, June 2, 2010 (UTC)

????? how do you change his clothes[]

how do you get the brawler hunter because on ps3 the hunters are pink and ugly the brawler looks cooler.and how do u also get mercer to have a white jacket and it looks more better? by: dunkin aubrey[]

You can not do either one. the white jacket was an original concept for mercer, but was later scrapped for the black jacket, blue jeans idea. as for the brawler, that was an original version of a super hunter, but it as well was later scrapped and replaced with the leader hunter. Grasscid 02:57, June 2, 2010 (UTC)

The only disguise that the hunter cannot detect is a civilian disguise.

Ultra Hunter[]

The picture of the "Ultra Hunter" is just a modified version of the "Abomination" concept art from The Hulk. Is there a legitimate source for the image? Person1 00:50, January 16, 2012 (UTC)

Fallout 3 dlc trogs[]

Does anyone else notice that hunters and Trogs from fallout 3 pit dlc look very similar