Prototype Wiki

Green says that Dana is "one of us now", so she may be infected with a strain of the virus, how serious will not be known unless they make a second prototype or a DLC pack. It could be anything from a normal zombie, to a super hunter, or maybe somthing like alex - that would be pretty cool, and helpful, provided she is sane.

Sources tell me that dana will be captured by Blackwatch b e codenamed Hera

1. they aren't zombies. they are people who got infected with the Blacklight Virus.

2. Who are your sources? I haven't heard of this. Unless it was a direct message from CapCom, i wouldn't belive it.--Supermutantslayer450 01:55, 25 August 2009 (UTC)

all you need to know is that i have sources dont ask and no it did not come from capcom all you need to know is that i have sources

--Ryan Pierce 17:17, September 9, 2009 (UTC)bioshock54

i know they arent zombies but who the hell cares

--Ryan Pierce 17:18, September 9, 2009 (UTC)bioshock54

I will say this my friend at capcom gave me to plots:Dana coms back as military controled Hera BUT comes to Alex's aid in a big fight with supersoldiers and there is a hint that it will be coop

i wonder will hera be in a DLC or prototype 2

Hera is a Greek Goddess, both wife and sister to Zeus. Look it up, if you don't believe me. If Dana was codenamed Hera, it would make sense.

What is all this Capcom talk? Radical and Activision are not Capcom. And as for the zombie thing, zombies in modern times are humans infected with some virus, so the term zombie seems very much accurate. Miumaru 00:40, May 15, 2010 (UTC)

I know this is an old debate, but I just have to put this out there. No, zombies in modern times are not just normal people infected. The key aspect of zombies is that they are UNDEAD, meaning they have died before, and have been resurrected by something. This could be that a zombie killed a human after transmitting an infection, which brought the person back to life, or even the husks from Mass Effect could be classified as zombies, as the person dies when they are impaled by Dragon's Teeth, then the corpse is reanimated via cybernetics, but merely having an infection and/or being mindless doesn't mean something is a zombie. Anything that refers to infected people as zombies is merely using the term to describe the mindlessness of said people or is using the word incorrecty. Also, the 13-year old who said he has a friend at Capcom is just one of those little kids who says he has connections to this and that, when in reality they're just making up bullshit so people will listen to them, which is apparent because nothing he said was true. XSpectreGreyX 12:15, May 12, 2012 (UTC)