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Steven Chambers was part of Blackwatch. Consuming him revealed a memory about his recruitment.

Node of Intrigue[]

"This is classified BEYOND TOP SECRET. Project Blackwatch, established 6/9/62 by DARPA and the Department of the Army.
Base of Operations: Ft. Detrick, Maryland.
Mandate: Research and development of biological weaponry for use against foreign powers.
Following Operation Altruistic on 7/7/69, Blackwatch's mandate has changed.
It is now: detect, conceal and prevent outbreaks of unknown viruses -- both man-modified and natural -- on American soil.
Blackwatch operates in secret. Officially, they do not exist. Their task is thankless but necessary in this age of modern warfare.
You are now one of them."
―Unknown Blackwatch personnel to Steven Chambers during recruitment[src]

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