Steven Chambers was part of Blackwatch. Consuming him revealed a memory about his recruitment.
Node of Intrigue[]
- "This is classified BEYOND TOP SECRET. Project Blackwatch, established 6/9/62 by DARPA and the Department of the Army.
Base of Operations: Ft. Detrick, Maryland.
Mandate: Research and development of biological weaponry for use against foreign powers.
Following Operation Altruistic on 7/7/69, Blackwatch's mandate has changed.
It is now: detect, conceal and prevent outbreaks of unknown viruses -- both man-modified and natural -- on American soil.
Blackwatch operates in secret. Officially, they do not exist. Their task is thankless but necessary in this age of modern warfare.
You are now one of them." - ―Unknown Blackwatch personnel to Steven Chambers during recruitment[src]
Links to[]
- Seq 6 Dr. Roy Hodgin
- Seq 6 Thomas Wagner PhD
- Seq 6 Dr. Alan Windsor