Prototype Wiki
Military Consume

The military target.

Military consume events are one of the two types of consume events available in Prototype. These events involve consumption of Military units. There are four different categories of these events.

Web Targets[]

These consume events involve tracking down targets for the Web of Intrigue within the time limit. Using Wall running and/or Glide is highly recommended for reaching the intended targets or evading the military.

Scientist Hunt[]

In these events, you have to hunt down a group of Scientists wearing hazmat suits within a given time and consume them all. (The timer disappears once you find them.) It won't be easy, though, because there are several defenders escorting them.

  • Assuming a military disguise is the best way to go, since you'll blend in easily. You can use Stealth consume or Patsy on the defenders.
    • The Scientists will be easy pickings once the defenders are gone.

Base Infiltration[]

The third type of event involves consuming a base commander in order to gain entry into a military base. These bases have bonuses - targets for the Web of Intrigue or for upgrading your skills. Stealth consume and/or Patsy are recommended, since the base will otherwise go on full alert and one or more of the targets will end up dead.

Base Destruction[]

Military bases are your primary targets in these cases. You'll have to find your way to the marked base that you'll have to bring down. Vehicles and/or Air Strike are the best way to level the bases. Don't bother with any of the soldiers, though, the base must be destroyed within the time limit.


  • Easy: 10
  • Medium: 9
  • Hard: 7
Easy Difficulty
Event Time Limit Objectives Reward
Web Target 2:50 Consume the marked targets (3). 3000 EP per target consumed.

9600 EP for consuming all targets.

Scientist Hunt 1:50 Reach the science team within the time limit.

Consume at least one scientist.
Kill defenders (2) for a bonus reward.

2400 EP for each scientist consumed.

Bonus - 2400 EP for killing all defenders.

Base Infiltration 3:00 Infiltrate the base within the time limit.

Consume the marked target.
Exit the base.

12000 EP
Base Destruction 3:30 Destroy the marked base within the time limit. 14400 EP

Medium Difficulty
Event Time Limit Objectives Reward
Web Target 2:45 Consume the marked targets (4). 21000 EP per target consumed.

14400 EP for consuming all targets.

Scientist Hunt 1:20 Reach the science team within the time limit.

Consume at least two scientists.
Kill defenders (3) for a bonus reward.

3600 EP for each scientist consumed.

Bonus - 3600 EP for killing all defenders.

Base Infiltration 2:45 Infiltrate the base within the time limit.

Consume the marked target.
Exit the base.

21600 EP
Base Destruction 3:00 Destroy the marked base within the time limit. 19200 EP

Hard Difficulty
Event Time Limit Objectives Reward
Web Target 2:30 Consume the marked targets (5). 31000 EP per target consumed.

19200 EP for consuming all targets.

Scientist Hunt 1:00 Reach the science team within the time limit.

Consume all three scientists.
Kill defenders (4) for a bonus reward.

4000 EP for each scientist consumed.

Bonus - 6000 EP for killing all defenders.

Base Infiltration 2:30 Infiltrate the base within the time limit.

Consume the marked target.
Exit the base.

30000 EP
Base Destruction 2:30 Destroy the marked base within the time limit. 24000 EP