1stSgt Mark Haughton was a Blackwatch soldier stationed at Manhattan Island during the viral outbreak. He heard a conversation between General Randall and Dr. Raymond McMullen.
Node of Intrigue[]
- McMullen: "Sir, I need your signature on these papers."
- General Randall: "McMullen, you can see I'm busy. Stop talking about Mercer like he's the answer to our damn problems. He's a Runner."
- McMullen: "That's where you're wrong––no other Runner in Blacklight's history has been male. The fact is, we don't know what he is."
- General Randall: "I know what he's not... That's enough."
- —Randall and McMullen discussing about Alex Mercer[src]
Links to[]
- Seq 4 Matthew Cobb
- Seq 4 Colin Noppers
- Seq 4 Edgar Ruiz
- Seq 4 Brian Zermeno