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Sgt. Lance Bertram was an APC driver for Blackwatch. He became a consuming target for James Heller during Operation: Red Glacier.

Blacknet Memory[]

Bertram: "Sheeee-it, drivin' one o' these things ain't no different than my ol' four-by-four. Come on."
Sergeant: "You know, it's a little different, Bertram, because you never had flesh-eating mutated creatures jumping on your "ol' four-by-four" and trying to eat you."
Bertram: "That's where you're wrong, Sarge! You ain't never met my cousins Belvis and Buford!"
Sergeant: "You know what? I don't know if you're kidding or not, but I don't want to know, alright? Move it the fuck out."
—Lance Bertram to another Blackwatch sergeant[src]
