- "I need to know what you know."
- ―Alex Mercer before he consume Jesse Arel.
PFC Jesse Arel was one of the Marines who were stationed outside the Gentek building when the hunters fall from level 51.
Node of Intrigue[]
- Officer: "Yes, private, you're guarding a hole in the fucking roof. You've been briefed about what we're up against -- we're not secure until these skylights are sealed. So, unless you want to pull shit patrol until your momma forgets what you look like, stand your sorry ass right here until you're told to do otherwise. NOW MOVE IT!"
- J. Arel: "Sir!"
- ―A Blackwatch officer to Jesse Arel[src]
Links to[]
- Seq 2 1stLt Todd Chupka
- Seq 3 Cptn Charles Conley
- Seq 4 2ndLt Joel Brunner
Web of Intrigue Jesse Arel