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Colonel Ian Taggart was the commanding officer of the United States Marine Corps deployed in Manhattan Island. Alex Mercer consumed him before he could escape.

Colonel Ian Taggart: "All of this, everything here. We've been preparing to fight the wrong war! We can't beat this. We need to pull out and deal with it at a distance!"
General Peter Randall: "Taggart. I put you in charge because I trust you to do what needs to be done: cut the heart out of the infection."
Colonel Ian Taggart: "Sir! The position is untenable. These... things... they're beyond our abilities..."
General Peter Randall: "I don't want to hear one more excuse from you! You get your ass back into the field and get it done! Or don't come back."
—Taggart and General Randall regarding the infection spread across New York[src]

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File:Web of Intrigue Ian Taggart

Node of Intrigue.
