Colonel Ian Taggart was the commanding officer of the United States Marine Corps deployed in Manhattan Island. Alex Mercer consumed him before he could escape.
- Colonel Ian Taggart: "All of this, everything here. We've been preparing to fight the wrong war! We can't beat this. We need to pull out and deal with it at a distance!"
- General Peter Randall: "Taggart. I put you in charge because I trust you to do what needs to be done: cut the heart out of the infection."
- Colonel Ian Taggart: "Sir! The position is untenable. These... things... they're beyond our abilities..."
- General Peter Randall: "I don't want to hear one more excuse from you! You get your ass back into the field and get it done! Or don't come back."
- —Taggart and General Randall regarding the infection spread across New York[src]
Links to[]
- Seq 9 General Peter Randall
Node of Intrigue.