- "So many minds at work. All talking. All dying."
- ―Alex describing the Hive Mind.[src]

Alex trying to gain the Hive mind.
The Hive Mind is telepathic link between the Infected, and the mechanism that allows the Runners to produce and organize the infected. It's used as a guiding hand to the Infected to spread the Redlight and Blacklight Virus. These known focus of the Hive Mind of the Prototype series is Elizabeth Greene and Alex Mercer.
The Hive Mind was created in the military town of Hope, Idaho inhabited by military families with different ethnicities. In June 11, 1964; Blackwatch tested the Redlight virus on humans of various nationalities and background. But killed nearly all but found the perfect host, Elizabeth Greene, with her strain of the virus took control of everything in the town, turning everyone into mindless slaves to spread the infection, outside of Hope. This forced Blackwatch to intercept Greene and nuke the city, that obliterated the town.
in the first outbreak in New York, The Alex consumed infected minds to link himself to the Hive Mind so he could track down the Leader Hunter (who can tap into the hive mind to command normal Hunters) that had kidnapped Dana. After consuming the Leader Hunter responsible for taking Dana, Alex's connection to the Hive Minds showed him where Dana was being held. Elizabeth Greene was the focus of the Hive Mind - the leader, until Alex used the Parasite to kill her. It appears that the Supreme Hunter is another focus of the hive mind as he was able to call the Infected to his aid when he first fought Alex.
With the second outbreak, Alex Mercer becomes the new focus in of the hive mind, due to consuming Greene, such as commanding infected like Flyers and a Goliath. Some Evolved (such as Dr. Archer) can use a small portion to command some Brawlers, even James Heller after consuming Archer can command some Infected such as Prowlers and Juggernauts (after he consumes their Alpha); but it's unknown if he becomes the focus of the entire hive mind after consuming Mercer.