Major Gerald Burgess was a Marine stationed at Manhattan Island during the viral outbreak.
Node of Intrigue[]
- Gerald Burgess: "Sir, off the record, who the hell are these Blackwatch guys?"
- Marine Officer: "All you need to know is you'll be taking your cues from them."
- Gerald Burgess: "I'm a Marine, sir. I'll do whatever is required, but off the record, what the hell are we dealing with here?"
- Marine Officer: "There's two types of war America doesn't want to find itself in, Major. One is nuclear and the other is the one we're fighting right here and now."
- —Major Burgess, to another officer[src]
Links to[]
- Seq 4 Michael Hamlin
- Seq 4 Dr. Shane Ivey
- Seq 4 1st Nathan Talbot