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Dr. Edward Carolino was the head of Gentek security innovation. He was involved in Operation: Jack-of-All-Trades.

Blacknet Memory[]

Dr. Carolino: "I still say it comes down to a question on encryption."
Rooks: "Explain that."
Dr. Carolino: "The locks on the doors: if they were encrypted better, there's no way this Heller asshole could get through them. You put in a 64-digit code, cycle it through a generator once every three hours? One of us would have to let him in for him to get inside."
Rooks: "Unless the Infected specimens escape and destroy the base from the inside out."
Dr. Carolino: "Uh, oh ... well, I guess there's that, Sir."

—Dr. Edward Carolino, offering a suggestion to Colonel Rooks on how to improve security[src]
