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Prototype Wiki
Dead Zone

The Dead Zone is the fourth zone in Prototype 2. It is the upper half of Manhattan Island.


The Dead Zone was created in the first days of the Second Outbreak as an attempt to stop the spread of the Mercer Virus which eventually failed, much to Colonel Rooks' displeasure. In one of the Blackboxes, it is revealed that the official name for the bombing run is "Operation Damocles". There is some speculation that "Damocles" was a test for "Operation Firehawk".


The Dead Zone is completely desolate and uninhabited, giving the zone its name. Near the edge of its perimeter, one can see the effects the bombing run had on the buildings in the site. The entire area is scorched by flames. There is also a thick haze, however this is the build up of smoke from the flames.

The Dead Zone seems to be controlled by the Artillery Strike Team who will give warning upon approach, and subsequently fire an airstrike on anyone attempting to enter the area. Since James Heller and Alex Mercer have shields, they are the only known individuals capable of withstanding the artillery fire and staying alive when wandering around the area.


  • It is possible to enter the Dead Zone without being killed by the Artillery Strike Team. However, once you enter it there is no way of getting out.
  • In the cutscene at the beginning of the second game, a news reporter says that a woman was killed in Central Park, which is currently located in the Dead Zone.